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Abide in me, and I in you.   As the branch cannot bear   fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye   abide in me.    John 15;4    




About My Work

  I am a Christian and believe in the cleansing blood shed by Jesus Christ My Savior on the Cross. I believe as a Christian I should go out and minister to all humans and tell them all about My Savior and how he can be their savior. How they can have eternal life after death and live in the Mansion He has gone before us to prepare. We are told this in "John 3:16" "Romans 8:11-39" "John 6:51" "John 7:37-38" we are told of eternal life. 

 My work comes from Me abiding in Him and He in Me in my walk with the Holy Spirit and Gods word from the Holy Bible. My Chalk Art comes to me from music and song, my pray and reading the scripture that calls me to what I base the Chalk Art on, Also if I am given a scripture for the Event, I study that scripture. I let the Holy Spirit work through me. If I didn't I wouldn't be able to do what I do. 


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119 Bond Lane

Kilmichael,Ms 39747        


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